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Radio Hospitals Blackburn registered charity No. 703165

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We welcome any groups to have a tour at our studios such as Scouts, Guides and other organisations. Please contact a member of the committee to arrange an evening to suit.

What can be expected from a tour to our studios?

A full tour and demonstration of our equipment, under supervision you may be able to operate our training studio as if you were Actually on air.

Some or all of you will be able to sit in on a live show and say a few words to the listeners, so come prepared with a few notes about yourselves, your group and what kind of activities you get up to etc.

You will be able to interview our presenters; ask them how they got into radio, what they enjoy about it etc, this can also be done live on air.

A tour can take between 1 to 2 hours depending on when you have seen everything and when our presenters go home. We want you to enjoy your visit so we will not apply a strict time limit on your stay.

Group sizes may be limited due to lack of space but we can arrange multiple tours over

a few days to fit in large groups. Perhaps a limit of 12 people but this can be flexible.

Welcome to our studio tour area. The pictures below are just a small part of what you can expect when you come and see us. A full description is found below the pictures. Use the contact page to get in touch if you decide you would like to pay us a visit.

Studio Tour