Blackburn Hospitals Radio 01254 736885 Listen Live

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Radio Hospitals Blackburn registered charity No. 703165


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RHB is proud to host

The Bradshaws.

They are an archetypal family with

3 members.

Alf, the father

Audrey, the mother &

Billy, the child who is seven nearly eight.

Created by Buzz Hawkins

over 30 years ago.

You can listen every

Weekday at

2.30am and 2.30pm

We at RHB provide a unique and tailored broadcasting service to aid in the recovery of patients within the Royal Blackburn Hospital. We also broadcast on the internet so that patients who are looking to convalesce at home will still be able to listen.

Our objective is To relieve sickness, infirmity and old age amongst persons living in the area covered by Blackburn, Darwen, Burnley Hyndburn, Ribble Valley and surrounding areas by providing a local broadcasting service.

Future programming will help to reduce the NHS costs by broadcasting a health and well being message out to the community to better help reduce the amount of people needing to use the NHS service by taking better care of themselves.

ELHT Hospital News
The Bradshaws History

1954 was when it all began. Two enterprising gentlemen, Mr Eddie Ellis and Mr Bill Cunliffe decided to collect music requests from the patients in 3 Blackburn Hospitals

Click here to read moreā€¦..

In 2014 the volunteers of RHB were nominated for ELHT volunteers of the year award. Click the link above to read all about it

2014 Winners Star Awards 2014

RHB are actively recruiting new volunteers. These include:

Presenters, Ward Liaisons,

Request Collectors, Fundraisers and individuals who can help with raising awareness and marketing the good work RHB does.

Volunteer vacancies 2025

For the latest news for The East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust click the link below for their news page

Funds & Sponsors

Saturdays from 2pm

Alternate weeks there will be shows presented by:

John Fryer

Fridays at 6pm.


with Becky Graham

RHB is a self funded charity organisation. We need to source income from as many places as possible, our main income comes from sponsors; local businesses who donate money in return for their company mentioned on the radio. More details can be found on our sponsors page.

Donations mainly come from the general public, from collection tins located around the borough or from collection events organised by our volunteers. You can also make a donation on our website. Or use this QR code.

Contact the team 24/7 at home for requests and more.

Text: 60777 Start the text with RHB.


Call/text Dave Peacock:

07415 677425